And still it goes on ...
And still it goes on ...
Arbitrary arrest and imprisonment IS the system
On June 12, 2024, a major fire broke out in a residential building in the Mangaf area and 49 people were killed. Interior Minister Fahd Yousef Al-Sabah went to visit the site. I'm not sure what his experience is in firefighting, but after asking some general questions about the building and the residents, he ordered two people to be imprisoned on the spot and said they would not be released until he says so.
There is no charge and no legal process at all. These people cannot appeal or file a complaint. They will remain in prison cells until Fahd Yousef Al-Sabah decides to release them in the same random manner in which he decided to imprison them.
To make it worse - if that is possible - these two individuals are just the porter and errand-boy. Simple migrant workers just like those who died in the fire, and who have zero say in how the building was run. The building was owned by the prominent Kuwaiti businessman Nasser Badah and was run by his brother Absulaziz Badah and Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah knows this like everyone else but he will not take on wealthy pro-regime business so instead flexes his oppressive muscle on these defenceless people.This is the mentality of people like Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah. They have no respect for other human beings. They do not understand the basic elements of law and justice.
Prisons in Kuwait are not penitentiary or correctional facilities operated under the law and a justice system, but more akin to dungeons in the basement of mansions owned by the likes of Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah and whose officers, like those standing around him in the video below, are more akin to hired domestic staff
Fahd Yousef Al-Sabah is just a dictatorial thug, and his conduct shows that Kuwait is not a state of law and institutions, but rather a regime based on injustice and arbitrary power dealt out by arrogant individuals like him.
The video below is only in Arabic, and it shows Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah ordering the arrests and saying these people will not be released until he says so.
But, it is not fair to just mention the things that Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah knows nothing about - like the law, justice etc. We should mention the subject he is a succesful expert on: money laundering!
Yes. Aside from his official positions in the Kuwait government, Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah had a modest private business on the side, a general trading company where, between 01 January 2016 and 31 January 2019, around 666 million KWD were deposited in large lump cash payments. That is about US $2.2 Billion.
The company is "Fahad Yousef Saoud Al-Sabah & Sons General Trading and Contracting" and its activity is listed as "general business" - which appears to cover money laundering!
As a succesful artisan, Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah appears careful to pass on his craft to his children, as his four sons Yousef, Faisal, Bader and Abdullah, and his two daughters Dalal and Sarah who are shareholders along with a relative, Ezza Jaber Ahmed Al-Sabah.
What is someone who pulled in $2.2 billion over 3 years (and that is just what we know about), doing running around the sites of fires and making tyrannical rules? He obviously does not need the salary. Here are the company papers with details of monies received, paid etc (in Arabic):
666 ... that is an interesting number. Where else does it appear? One example is in Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation:
"This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666."