• The road to justice

    Because I now have my freedom, I can fight for my rights

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    International Scrutiny

    The United Nations provides a forum for airing the worst kinds of injustice.

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    Complaint to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention

    On 4th of November 2021, My lawyer Mr William Julié submitted a complaint to the relevant UN offices in Geneva. You can download a copy HERE.

    The response from Kuwait, dated 09 March 2022, is HERE (English translation of Arabic original).

    My Observations on their response, dated 24 March 2022, is HERE.

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    Complaint to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

    On 4th of November 2021, My lawyer Mr William Julié submitted a complaint to the relevant UN offices in Geneva. You can download a copy HERE.

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    Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issues their report!

    In a detailed 17-page report, WGAD emphatically upheld the complaint and found that the feeble protests of the State of Kuwait were untrue, and that Samih Bowles was illegally imprisoned ELEVEN TIMES by Kuwaiti security forces, without charge and denied all legal rights. You can download the report directly from the UN HERE.

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    Criminal law and targetted sanctions!

    The Kuwait government decided to deliberately ignore the UN report. I guess they think they can do that if the head of state can make himself a dictator and pay himself a quarter of a billion USD every year. So, since the people in charge of the Kuwait government only care about themselves, let them take personal liability. Under Article 269.1 of the Canadian Criminal Code and the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act of 2000, they face criminal prosecution, and under the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Magnitsky Law) they face targetted economic sanctions. Read about what I did on the blog HERE.